Thursday, November 12, 2015

Unit 3, boot camp

1. During this unit, I learned how to shade and blend different values in a drawing better. When painting, I learned which brushes to use when painting a certain section or object. For example, if I am painting a more small and detailed thing, like a tree, I will use a brush with a smaller tip. 
2. I found my painting to be the most successful and enjoyable from this unit. It was successful because I used the brush to make different textures for different things, like the grass. I also really enjoyed blending colors, especially for the sky. It was nice to work really hard to get the desired colors. 
3. I am interested in using online sources such as Google and Pinterest again for inspiration. It is easy to find art projects related to what we are doing and it helps me think of possible ideas to use. I also enjoy combining aspects of different pieces, which is pretty easy to do using Pinterest and Google (mostly Pinterest). 

Friday, October 2, 2015

Unit 3, line

1. I learned that doing line could be really almost anything because you draw lines for everything you draw; straight lines, curved lines, horizontal lines, vertical lines, etc. There was so many possible directions you could go with this project and I got inspired by multiple types of line art on Pinterest. You could do something like a zentangle or a line drawing where you don't pick up the pencil. You could also do a type of illusion, which is the approach I took. 

2. I'm pretty pleased with my final project (shown in picture below). I like how it looks almost 3D and it's somewhat of an illusion. It was also actually really fun to do. However, the lines could be cleaner and I could have used a ruler more to get more precise lines. 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Unit 2, steal

1. During this unit, I improved on making straighter lines (with the help of a ruler) and drawing a person more to scale. I always had trouble making a body consistent and to scale, and I think I'm slowly getting better. 
2. I always thought original art was completely 100% made up by you, with only inspiration and ideas coming from yourself. Now, I better understand that all art is inspired from something or someone. A piece of art, I believe, is original if you took ideas/inspiration and made something new and unique, though there may be something out there like it. 
3. This unit I made a lot of minor mistakes when drawing, which is normal. However, I am content with my final results, which is good. If I could change something, I might make the lines cleaner on my two-in-one drawing. However, overall I'd say my projects were successful. 

Final project draft 
Final project 
Reference pics 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Unit 1, space

Final project:
List of ideas for final project: 
My Pinterest: @acristea8

1. This week my understanding of artistic space has changed because now I better understand how artists make an object in 3D and 2D look more realistic. It's also not as hard as it looks, using a vantage point makes it really simple. 
2. I think the activity that helped most was when we had to sketch blocks on our desk and shade it. It helped me to really take the time to study a simple object and draw it as realistic and to scale as possible. 
3. I am really happy with the result of my group's final project. It definitely was successful and was really fun to do. (It is pictured above).